Searching Traces
Searching Traces, a cooperation between the Goethe-Institut and the cultural initiative Diyalog, had been established in September 2014.
The projects’ aim is to give creative people with migration background the opportunity to look back on and reappraise their experiences in order to find new perspectives in the hosting countries. A series of workshops train children, adolescents and young grownups from conflict areas to start a creative process that will help them to express the undergone in an artistic and creative way. The InEnArt team together with the Goethe-Institut organized workshops with different focuses for different age groups, from Dec. 13th till today. Experts from the concerned crisis regions and international specialists conducted the workshop in collaboration and contributed their different experiences, know-how and cultures to become a part of the work with the displaced people.
Please watch the videos at the Searching Traces channel!