MagiC Carpets Platform
Diyalog and the Mahalla Festival became partner of the MagiC Carpets Platform in May 2022.
Art and Culture in Times of COVID-19
The third Mahalla Festival took place as a remote festival to overcome self-isolation, demobilization and paralysis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Opening Communities to Newcomers
DIYALOG participated into the workshop Opening Communities to Newcomers at the Balsillie School of International Affairs in Waterloo, Canada, with a presentation of the Mahalla Festival and a screening of In The Dark Times.
Mahalla Festival Malta
DIYALOG organized the Mahalla Festival in Malta in cooperation with the Museum MUZA (Muzew Nazzjonali tal-Arti), Heritage Malta, the African Media Association Malta, Contemporary Valletta, Studio 87 and Sustainable Design Collective Malta.
Mahalla Festival Istanbul
The Mahalla in Istanbul was the first festival of an emerging network of global players working in the field of arts and culture.
Caricatura 7
Panel discussion in the frame of the exhibition Schluss mit Lustig in Kassel.
Gravity for All
On November 10th, 2016 diyalog participated into a round table about the migration crisis and cultural identity at the Centro Pecci in Prato, Italy.
Gathering at Cezayir
The InEnArt team together with the Goethe-Institut presented the Searching Traces project at Cezayir, Istanbul, on the occasion of the launch of the video based web application StreetWalking on December 11.