1 – Name
2 – Purpose of the association
The principal purpose of the association is the promotion of exchange and cooperation in order to carry out a contribution for intercultural understanding to strengthen as well as above all the cultural dialogue between Turkey and the European countries.
In detail the association pursues the following goals:
a.) Professionals working in different creative disciplines (university graduates, media-creatives, satirists, visual artists, writers and film-makers) are brought together as members of the association, in order to develop and open on international levels financial sources for the realisation of their projects and activities.
b.) The association supports the realisation of non-profit creative ideas, actions and activities of its members within the range of literature, film/video, photography, fine arts, design, satire, multimedia and design. The association intends to develop these activities and projects on an international network.
c.) The legal and material interests of the members, essential for independent work, shall be protected and their rights shall be represented by the association.
d.) Contacts in the artistic and cultural sector will be made on local and international levels and joint venture works will be encouraged, whose organisation and realisation will be facilitated by the structure of networks.
e.) The association pursues exclusively and directly non-profit making purposes; it is a legal organisation, which does not pursue primarily self-economical purposes. Means of the association may be used only for the statutory purposes. The members receive no shares in the means and in their characteristic as members they also receive no other allowances from any means of the association.
3 – Activities of the association
Material and ideal assistance of the members for the realisation of their works and projects as following:
a.) The unification of creative professionals with different backgrounds to form working groups, committees and other production facilities realising searches, films, multimedia products, books, publications, works of art and various the work areas of the members appropriate products.
b.) The association provides mutual artistic and productive assistance of its members among themselves.
c.) Publication or exhibition of the products created by the members.
d.) Set up of archives, electronic databases, brochures, books and posters for international communication and intercultural understanding.
e.) Public relation
f.) The association pursues its principles and goals only on non-profit making purposes; the association is politically, ideologically and religiously neutral.
g.) The association promotes international projects and co-operation with associations or other institutions abroad.
4 – Members of the association
Members of the association are active members, honorary members and supporting members:
a.) Applicants for an active membership can apply; the executive committee decides on the membership.
b.) Active members must be independently active for the association and they are professionals from the ranges of fine art, photography, film/video, new media, satire, journalism, literature, design or culture science or any other similar profession.
c.) Legal persons or organisations supporting the association can achieve an honorary membership by the general assembly: they are released from membership fee and they support and represent the association and its activities. They can participate in the meetings of the general assembly; they can express their opinion however they don’t participate in decision-making processes.
d.) Legal persons supporting the association particularly material or ideal can achieve the supporting membership by the general assembly. The Profession of the supporting members is not limited. They are actively involved in the practical work process and they can submit suggestions to the executive committee.
5 – Attaining of membership
a.) Turkish citizens and persons who are allowed to be a member in an association in Turkey and legal entities under the condition that they support the goals of the association can become an active member.
b.) Foreigners must be in the possession of a residence permit in Turkey, as well as correspond to the specifications made above outside of the Turkish nationality.
c.) Honorary memberships and supporting memberships are not bound to the condition of a residence permit.
d.) Applicants for an active membership apply in an informal, written application supplemented by a CV, from which the full-time activity comes out. In a meeting with three-quarter of the members of the executive committee the executive committee decides with a simple majority on the membership, these begins with the day of decision.
e.) Supporting members can become natural or legal entities, who want to state their solidarity with the goals of the association through their membership. They are selected on suggestion of the executive committee by the general assembly.
f.) Honorary members can become selected natural persons, who rendered special services. Honorary members are appointed on suggestion of the executive committee by the general assembly.
6 – Exclusion from the association
The membership
a.) can be quit, or can be terminated by the recommendation of the executive committee with the decision of the general assembly for organizational or moral reasons. The terminated member will be noticed about the decision of the general assembly.
b.) Who offends against the principles of the statute or who acts contrary to the goals, the sense or the interests of the association, or who ignores the goals and decisions specified in the statute, or who does not fulfil specified tasks defined in the statute or who accordingly harms the goals and activities of the association, can be extracted from the membership by the executive committee.
c.) The withdrawal of the membership is communicated to the member within seven days.
d.) After receiving the decision the member has fifteen days time for objection.
e.) The final decision for an end of a membership is settled by the general assembly.
f.) The member has the right to defend himself in relation to the executive committee and the general assembly.
g.) Excluded members cannot attain the membership again.
7 – The executive bodies of the association
The executive body of the association is as follows:
1. General assembly
2. Executive committee
3. Controlling committee
In addition the general assembly or the executive committee can establish further committees, which are entrusted with special tasks.
8 – General assembly
a.) The active members, the honorary members and the supporting members participate in the general assembly.
b.) To be able to participate in the general assembly the active members have to be paid a membership fee.
c.) The general assembly meets once a year in Istanbul in March.
d.) If necessary the executive committee or the controlling committee can call within a month to an extraordinary general assembly on a written request of a fifth of their members.
9 – Tasks and duties of the general assembly
The general assembly
a.) selects the executive committee and the members of the controlling committee;
b.) examines and confirms the reports of the executive committee, of the controlling committee and other organs of the association;
c.) discusses and decides the budget of the following year;
d.) discusses the points of the agenda brought in by the executive committee, by the honorary members and by the supporting members.
e.) decides about the membership fee and authorizes the executive committee with the acquisitions of assets or of real estates;
f.) specifies the membership in international associations or unions;
g.) takes over all tasks specified in the statute;
h.) decides about the termination of memberships, about exclusions from the association, or about the liquidation of the association.
10 – Call for the general assembly
a.) The executive committee writes a list of the members who have to be informed.
b.) The members have to be informed by email or mail 15 days in
advance about the meeting, about the place, time and the subjects of the agenda.
c.) If the attendance of the members is not enough, the next meeting must be communicated again by email or mail and may not take place before one week have past.
d.) The second meeting must take place within two months.
11 – The place of the general assembly
The general assembly meets in Istanbul once a year in March.
12 – Voting
a.) The voting of the general assembly can take place with the presence of half of the members plus a person.
b.) Only members, that have paid the membership fee, can participate in the voting.
13 – The general assembly
a.) The meeting is opened, if sufficient members are present.
b.) After the opening of the meeting a chairman, its deputy and a secretary is appointed, who form the board of the meeting.
c.) The chairman of the board conducts the meeting.
d.) The minutes are taking by the board including the agenda, the voting results and all decisions. The minutes will be finally transferred to the executive committee signed by the board of the meeting.
e.) During the general assembly only points of the agenda will be discussed and decided. Auxiliary points are taken if minimum a tenth of the present members desire it.
14 – Voting Rules
The general assembly does simple majority decisions. Only decisions for changes of the statute or for the liquidation of the association need the majority of two thirds of the general assembly.
15 – Report of the members of the executive committee to the authorities
Within 30 days after the general assembly has elected the executive committee and the controlling committee the chairman of the association or its deputy must inform the highest national authority of the district about the members of the executive committee and the controlling committee with the following data: pre and surname, the name of their parents, the dates of birth, their occupations and in case they are foreigners their residence permit.
16 – Changes of the statute
For changes of the statute two thirds of the members in the general assembly must be present.
17 – The executive committee
The executive committee is selected each year by the general assembly.
18 – The structure of the executive committee
a.) The executive committee consists of five members and five deputies. The members are selected in secret elections by the general assembly.
b.) Each year in the general assembly the chairman, one or more deputies, the secretary-general, his deputy, the treasurer and if necessary members of further committees are elected.
c.) The next members, that combine most voices on them, replace the places that will get free by selected active members.
19 – Tasks of the executive committee
The executive committee has the following tasks:
a.) The chairman or its deputies represent the association.
b.) They can give representative tasks to active members of the association.
c.) They are responsible for the general and internal organisation of the association.
d.) The general assembly assigns the secretary-general or its deputy to realise the annual program of the association.
e.) They are responsible for the budget and record keeping.
f.) They keep records about their activities and inform the general assembly about the progress.
g.) They can appoint commissions that accomplish and fulfil the activities of the association.
h.) They keep tracking of all tasks, which the statute defines.
i.) They can specify the amounts, which are needed for the executive committee and its deputies for representational allowances.
j.) The executive committee can appoint a managing director for financial transactions.
20 – Decision-making process of the executive committee
a.) The board meeting constitute a quorum with half of its members plus one,
b.) simple majorities apply for decision-making,
c.) in the event of a tie the vote of the chairman decides.
21 – The controlling committee
a.) The controlling committee is elected by the general assembly.
b.) It consists of three active members and their three deputies.
22 – The tasks of the controlling committee
a.) The controlling committee inspects the record keeping of the association whenever it wants to examine if the expenditures made by the executive committee are transacted in the sense and objectives of the association. It must fulfil this task every six months.
b.) It can introduce an internal revision.
23 – Incomes of the association and bank guidance
The incomes of the association can consists of the following:
a.) the membership fee specified by the general assembly;
b.) Interests on bank loans, national or international allowances, sponsor funds or donations;
c.) other funds;
d.) the funds of the association are kept after decision of the executive committee on a bank account;
e.) the banking transactions are transacted by signatures of the chairman or a deputy or the secretary-general;
f.) the treasurer is in charge for record keeping and the tax declaration;
g.) donations are accepted by the decision of the executive committee.
24 – Means and real estate purchase
a.) The executive committee of the association collects funds with corresponding receipts and keeps book concerning the expenditures.
b.) These receipts must be kept five years.
c.) Incomes and donations must be identified with the identity and the signatures of the givers.
26 – Liquidation of the association by the general assembly
a.) The association can be dissolved at any time by the general assembly.
b.) The general assembly constitute a quorum for the liquidation with two thirds of its members.
c.) The dissolution of the association must be decided with two thirds of its majority.
d.) The liquidation must be communicated to the responsible authority in writing within five days.
29 – Regulations for the demand of bank credits
For the realisation of activities and goals the executive committee can decide to demand a bank credit. That can take place by means of credits or payments. The association may not demand for credits in the way that its resources and repayment possibilities are exhausted.